Somatic and Expressive Arts Faculty
In addition to senior organizational experts, we are privileged to include on our team members of the expressive arts from the domains of psychodrama, somatics, music and art, martial arts, dream work, theatre, and mindfulness and meditation. We are proud of these close collegial relationships and grateful for the fertile life of ideas we all enjoy together.

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”
Somatic and Expressive Arts Faculty
Samuel Bartussek; Guilio Brunini; Rachel Cossar; Eugene Friesen; Anne Gottlieb; Didi Hopkins; Gary Joplin; Michael Kalikow; Jennifer Krier; Maurcio Martinez; James McManus; Nicloe Pinnell; Ellis Paul; Michael Robbins; Jami Sieber; Diana Theodores; David Whyte

“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”

Over the last several years Amy Elizabeth Fox has collaborated with Grammy Award Winning Cellist, Eugene Friesen, to produce two CDs based on personal mastery themes: Music of the Spheres, inspired in part by her sister, Erica’s book Winning from Within and the second CD, Walking Forever, inspired by the teachings of Thomas Huebl.
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